Some fragrant articles

Glee alert!

The new Aromatika Magazine Perfume edition has dropped.

Filled for your delectation with articles to tempt your nose, inspire your senses, flirt with your creativity and uplift your spirit.  

I also happen to have an article snuggled between the pages: ‘Tenacious P’,  an homage to one of my favourite, but slightly maligned base notes – Patchouli. 

 You can check the magazine out here and purchase a copy if you wish, there are lots of amazing articles!

Enjoy :-)

 In addition, there is a fascinating article by Lily McGonigal in Dazed magazine on Scent and the Shadow self, which I have provided a modest quote for … so pull up your chaise long, recline, spritz yourself, peruse these ‘scentences’ and indulge your alter ego with some escapist reading.